At St. James, we recognize the importance of technology in the world today, as well the influence that it will have in the future. We are proud to be able to offer ViewSonic ViewBoard interactive displays throughout the school. These huge touch screens allow for more interactive collaboration in the classrooms. In addition, our Mac computer lab is available for all grades to use, as well as Chromebooks for 5th- 8th graders.
Science Lab
The science curriculum in grades Pre-K-8 has students engaging in hands-on science labs, which involves working in small groups and utilizing math and writing skills. The students can develop a deeper understanding of the concepts they explore in science
Learning Support
Enrichment, remedial help, and support of students with mild learning disabilities is available on a limited basis for qualified students. For students to be eligible to receive classroom and testing accommodations, formal testing must be on record.
School Counselors
St. James Catholic School Counselors provide social/emotional, behavioral, and academic support to students in all grade levels through classroom lessons, small group counseling and individual counseling. Classroom lessons are held once a month and focus on student growth and friendship skills. Small group and individual counseling are based on the needs of individual students, and are available to all students by parent and teacher request.